& Flexible Learning
PLEASE NOTE: We will be regularly updating this page with more resources and further information.
Lesson Plans
One Day Lesson Plan 15/12/2021
Latest Information
Dear Torquay College Families,
Our school has been advised of additional confirmed COVID-19 cases who attended Torquay College. We have contacted additional Education Contacts today and advised them to get tested.
On the advice of the Department of Education and Training (DET) and Department of Health (DH), our school will be closed on Wednesday 15 December.
We are currently working with the local public health unit to manage the outbreak at our school to determine appropriate public health actions that need to be taken. We will let you know as soon as we have received further advice from the local public health unit about these measures.
Please note the following:
· OHSC will be closed for Wednesday, 15th December
· No onsite program will be offered – the school will be closed
· A one day learning program will be available via the school Website and SeeSaw (Parent Portal) and Google Classroom
All students and staff
Given the transmission occurring in Torquay and surrounding suburbs, all members of the school community should remain vigilant for even the mildest of symptoms and get tested if symptomatic.
Financial assistance is available
If your child is required to be tested, you may be able to access the $450 COVID-19 Test Isolation Payment.
For more information go to
General advice and support
For general advice and support, please call the Department of Education and Training COVID-19 hotline. The number is 1800 338 663.
It is available 8.30am to 5pm Monday through Friday, and 10am to 3pm Saturday and Sunday.
If you are concerned you have COVID-19 you can call the DH COVID-19 hotline on 1800 675 398, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding at this challenging time.
Take care and kind regards,
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
Confirmation of School Closure
Dear Torquay College Families,
Our school has been advised of confirmed COVID-19 cases who attended our school Monday, 6th – Friday, 10th December.
On the advice of the Department of Education and Training (DET) and Department of Health (DH), as a preventative measure, our school will be closed on Monday, 13th December.
Please note the following:
The Year 6 Camp will proceed subject to the requirements below
OHSC will be closed for Monday, 13th December
No onsite program will be offered – the school will be closed
A one day learning program will be available via the school Website and SeeSaw (Parent Portal) and Google Classroom
Why are we closing the school?
Torquay College will close on Monday, 13th December due to the number of students and staff who may have had contact with a confirmed positive COVID-19 case between Monday, 6th – Friday, 10th December.
We have advised all education contacts.
This closure will allow us to identify any further education contacts as a result of today’s contract tracing.
Actions for Year 4 students
The local Public Health unit has advised that all Year 4A and Year 4B students are now considered education contacts and will be required to quarantine for 7 or 14 days depending on vaccination status of household members from the date of last exposure (Day 0), which was Friday, 10th December.
Year 4A and Year 4B students will be contacted by the Department of Health regarding their quarantine requirements.
7 days if they are fully vaccinated
7 days if they are under 12 years and 2 months old and all members of their household who are at least 12 years of age are fully vaccinated
14 days if they are over 12 years and 2 months old and not fully vaccinated
14 days if they are under 12 years and 2 months old and any members of their household who are at least 12 years of age are not fully vaccinated
All other Year 4 students must have a PCR (standard) test and isolate until they receive a negative PCR result.
If your child has received a negative result from a PCR (standard) test since Friday, 10th December, they are not required to be tested again unless they present with symptoms.
Email a copy of the negative result to:
Att: Confidential COVID-19 Education Contact – Student Name
Email to:
Actions for Year 6 Camp students
Year 6 students who are household contacts of a positive COVID-19 case cannot attend their upcoming camp.
Year 6 students who are social contacts of a positive COVID-19 case must return a negative standard (PCR) test in order to attend camp.
Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) is strongly recommended for those Year 6 students attending camp. The school has provided advice to Year 6 students regarding RAT tests.
Please note: RAT will not be conducted without parental consent.
All students and staff
Given the transmission occurring in Torquay and surrounding suburbs, all members of the school community should remain vigilant for even the mildest of symptoms and get tested if symptomatic.
If you are contacted by the school and advised you or your child is an education contact, the education contacts will be required to get an immediate standard (PCR) test. If the test returns a negative result, the student can return to school, with evidence of the negative result provided to the school.
Email a copy of the negative result to:
Att: COVID-19 Education Contact – Student Name
Email to:
If your child has a disability or additional needs they may be eligible to be tested at home through the Call-to-Test service. For more information, visit: Call-to-Test - Reaching out to vulnerable Victorians | Coronavirus Victoria
Schools are not permitted to allow education contacts to return until they have shown evidence of a negative test.
In exceptional circumstances, the Department of Health may determine that education contacts in significant school outbreaks are still required to quarantine or undertake further testing. In this scenario, students will be notified directly of any additional quarantine or testing arrangements. This applies to our Year 4A and Year 4B students and teachers.
Financial assistance is available
If your child is required to be tested, you may be able to access the $450 COVID-19 Test Isolation Payment.
For more information go to
General advice and support
For general advice and support please call the Department of Education and Training COVID-19 hotline.
The number is 1800 338 663.
It is available 8.30am to 5pm Monday through Friday, and 10am to 3pm Saturday and Sunday.
If you are concerned you have COVID-19 you can call the DH COVID-19 hotline on 1800 675 398, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding at this challenging time.
Take care and kind regards,
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
All Students Returning to Full-Time Onsite Learning – Friday, 22nd October
Dear Families,
It is with great excitement that I inform you that all students will return to full-time onsite learning this Friday (22nd October).
Having all students and staff back onsite full-time will allow us to begin the transition back to ‘normality’.
Student Wellbeing
As we transition as a whole school back to onsite learning, the wellbeing of our students will continue to be of the highest priority. If you have any concerns regards your child’s wellbeing, please contact your child’s teacher. Alternatively, please email the school and we will connect you with the appropriate staff member.
Subject: Student Wellbeing – Students Name
Face Masks for Yr 3 – 6 Students
Thank you to our Yr 3 – 6 families for your support and understanding regarding the mandatory wearing of Face Masks for our Yr 3 – 6 students.
Please note the following reminders:
Exceptions include students with a physical or mental disability where their disability means it would not be suitable.
Parent/carers of a student who meet the criteria for an exception are to provide their approval in writing for their child/ren to not wear a mask to the school.
The exception should be in the form of a written statement from the parent/carer to:
Subject: Exception to Face Mask – Students Name -
Parent/carers are not required to provide a certificate from a medical practitioner, although you are welcome to provide if you wish.
Please name all Face Masks.
Loaned Devices
We ask all families who have loaned a device from Torquay College for the purposes of Remote and Flexible Learning to please return the device to the main office on Friday so we can reallocate back to classroom.
We look forward to seeing all students and their smiling faces back at school Friday!
Kind regards and take care,
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
Week 2 Arrangements
Dear Torquay College Families,
Week 1 has been a huge success for our school community!
Our Foundation, Yr 1 and Yr 2 students have returned to school with boundless enthusiasm and an infectious desire to be with their classmates and staff.
Our Yr 3, Yr 4, Yr 5 and Yr 6 students continue to manage the Remote and Flexible learning environment with great maturity, flexibility and responsibility.
Congratulations and thank you to all families for your continued support.
Staggered Return
We are delighted that our Yr 3 – Yr 6 students will be onsite next week for two days each. (table attached)
Onsite Supervision for Week 2, Term 4
Our ‘Onsite Attendance’ form for Week 2 is available from our website and from the following link (families who previously completed the ‘Onsite Supervision’ form for Week 2 are not required to complete again).
Remote and Flexible Learning Program for Yr 3 – 6 Students: Week 2
Our Remote and Flexible Learning program for our Yr 3 – 6 students for next week will be available on our website by 4pm this afternoon (8th October).
Teachers will upload the program to their Seesaw or Google Classroom platform from 8.15am on Monday.
Hard Copy packs will be available from the school Staff Room from 8.00am on Monday.
Additional Support – we are here to help!
We encourage families to contact us if any further support or clarification is required. This can be done the following ways:
Contact your child’s teacher via Seesaw (F – Yr 3) or email the school: Att teacher name,
Contact a member of the Wellbeing Team: Ph 5261 2360 or Att Wellbeing Team,
Contact a member of the Principal Team: Ph 5261 2360 or Att Victoria Long (F- Yr 2) or Emily Burgess (Yr 3 – 6) or Christian Smith,
Mandatory Wearing of Masks for Yr 3 – 6 students
You may be aware of communication in the media surrounding the mandatory wearing of mask for students in Yr 3 – 6. We are awaiting further communication from the Department of Education and Training (DET) regarding this and will share this with you when available.
Have a great weekend!
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
Return to Onsite Learning
Dear Torquay College Families,
As you will be aware, the Victorian Government and the Department of Education and Training (DET) has announced and confirmed changes to the settings for Regional Victorian schools effective from Friday, 10th September.
The Department of Education and Training (DET) has informed us of the following information pertaining to primary schools:
* Foundation – Yr 2 students will return to onsite learning on Friday, 10th September
* Yr 3 – 6 students will continue in a Remote and Flexible Learning program for the remainder of the term
* ‘Onsite Supervision’ will continue for students in Yr 3 – 6 that meet the ‘Essential’ worker and ‘Vulnerable’ categories that cannot be supervised from home.
I realise that this period of Lock Down may have created varying levels of challenges for individual families, but once again, I wanted to express our appreciation for your ongoing support and understanding.
Foundation, Yr 1 and Yr 2 Students
We are delighted to be welcoming back our Foundation, Yr 1 and Yr 2 students tomorrow. Our staff have planned a program for tomorrow that will support the transition from ‘Remote Learning’ to ‘Onsite Learning’. Our staff are well aware that some students will require additional accommodations and we have in place strategies to support all students so that tomorrow and the remainder of the term is positive for all students.
We remind all Foundation to Yr 2 students to return their Remote and Flexible Learning workbook tomorrow.
We also remind families to return any borrowed devices to the office.
Week 10 Remote and Flexible Learning Program for Yr 3 – 6 students
Yr 3 – 6 students attending onsite are requested to go directly to their classroom each morning (rather than meet in the stadium)
Our Remote and Flexible Learning program for Week 10 will be available on our website by 5.00pm Friday, 10th September (tomorrow)
Teachers will upload the program to their Seesaw or Google Classroom platform from 8.00am on Monday.
Hard Copy packs are available from the school Staff Room from 8.00am on Monday.
Yr 3 – 6 Onsite Attendance Form
Our ‘Onsite Attendance’ form for our Yr 3 – 6 students for next week is available from our website and from the following link.
To ensure we can staff our onsite supervision program for our Yr 3 – 6 students, please have this form in ASAP.
Please note: the Onsite Supervision Form must be submitted by 10.00am tomorrow (earlier if possible) to ensure an appropriate staffing profile can be arranged.
COVID-Safe Plan
As part of planned changes to keep our school safe and reduce the impact of any future outbreaks, we are required to implement COVID-safe behaviours. These include the following strategies to promote physical distancing, minimise mixing between groups and limit access to school grounds to only those providing essential services:
Non Essential Visitors – including parents/carers
· Non-essential visitors, including parents and carers, are not permitted onto school grounds
· Foundation staff, along with other staff, will be available at the Foundation Gate for students requiring additional support in transitioning back to onsite learning
QR Code Sign In
· In the rare cases that parents, guardians and/or visitors are required to attend to a matter onsite, please sign in using the Service QR Codes available at each of the gates around the school
Face Masks
· Along with our staff, parents, guardians and visitors must wear a face mask at school at all times indoors and outdoors when onsite (unless a lawful exception applies)
Physical Distancing
· Parents, guardians and visitors must observe physical distancing measures, including at ‘drop off’ and ‘pick up’ times
School Gatherings
· All school gatherings such as assemblies and school events are deferred at this time
Outside Hours School Care (OSHC)
· Our OSHC program will resume full operations from Friday, 10th September.
· Our canteen will not be open until the start of term 4.
If you are concerned about the wellbeing of your child, please contact your child’s teacher, a member of our Wellbeing Team or a member of our Leadership Team so we can talk with you about how we can best assist (email: or phone: 5261 2360).
Thank you again for your continued support. We look forward to welcoming our junior students back tomorrow.
Take care and kind regards,
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
Remote and Flexible Learning Update
Dear Families,
As you may be aware, it has now been confirmed that Victoria will undertake an extended lockdown and all schools in Victoria will stay in a remote and flexible learning program for the remainder of term 3.
Whilst this announcement is not the outcome we wished for, we now have some certainty and clarity for the remainder of the term.
Once again, I congratulate and thank every member of our school community for the manner, approach and positivity in which we have supported our students in these challenging times.
I am well aware of the challenges associated with the pandemic – balancing work with supporting children learning from home, the disconnect associated with not being able to visit or hang out with loved ones and friends, the significant adjustments linked with work arrangements and the list goes on. I encourage families to continue contacting us if we can support the learning and wellbeing of your child/ren.
Below is an update on our preparations for week 9 (next week).
Onsite Supervision for Week 9
Our ‘Onsite Attendance ‘ form for next week is available from our website and from the following link.
To ensure we can staff our onsite supervision program, please have this form in by 9.00am Friday, 3rd September.
A reminder that our onsite supervision program is available to students in the following category:
Category A - Authorised Workers
· Children where both parents and/or carers are considered authorised workers who cannot work from home, work for an authorised provider and where no other supervision arrangements can be made.
· Where there are two parents/carers, both must be authorised workers, working outside the home for their children to be eligible for on-site provision at school.
· For single parents/carers, the authorised worker must be working outside the home for their children to be eligible for on-site provision at school.
· An authorised worker permit is now required for parents in regional Victoria requesting on-site supervision for their child/ren under Category A as an authorised worker.
· In rare circumstances, a parent/carer does not need a worker permit. This includes people employed in law enforcement, emergency services or health care workers who carry employer-issued photographic identification.
Category B – Children Experiencing Vulnerability
This category includes students:
· in out-of-home care
· deemed vulnerable by a government agency, funded family or family violence service, and assessed as requiring education and care outside the family home
· identified by a school or early childhood service as vulnerable (including via referral from a government agency, or funded family or family violence service, homeless or youth justice service or mental health or other health service)
· where a parent/carer indicates that a student with a disability is vulnerable because they cannot learn from home, and/or informs the school the student is vulnerable due to family stress, the school must provide on-site supervision for that student. This may apply to students enrolled in specialist schools and students with a disability enrolled in mainstream schools.
· An authorised worker permit is not required for accessing on-site supervision under Category B.
Students attending onsite
A reminder to families of students who attend our ‘Onsite’ program require their Remote and Flexible Learning workbook at school each day. This workbook has the log in details to the relevant platforms, and without this workbook, students are often delayed joining their Webex sessions.
Teachers Planning for Term 4
Each term, our teaching teams are allocated a ‘planning day’ to plan the curriculum for the following term. This planning is pivotal to the success of the teaching and learning program and enables each team to fully collaborate on the teaching practices and curriculum for the following term.
Our teaching teams have each been allocated a ‘planning day’ next week. The Remote and Flexible Learning program for students will be the same apart from the Webex sessions for the designated day will not take place. Students will be informed of this by their teacher the day prior in the ‘Community Circle’ Webex, as well as a message on the day via SeeSaw or Google Classroom.
Planning days will be:
Monday: Year 1 and Year 6
Tuesday: Year 2 and Year 5
Thursday: Year 3 and Year 4
Friday: Foundation
Additional Support – we are here to help!
We encourage families to contact us if any further support or clarification is required. This can be done the following ways:
Contact your child’s teacher via Seesaw (F – Yr 3) or email the school: Att teacher name,
Contact a member of the Wellbeing Team: Ph 5261 2360 or Att Wellbeing Team,
Contact a member of the Principal Team: Ph 5261 2360 or Att Victoria Long or Emily Burgess or Christian Smith,
Student Led Conferences
As the current settings stipulate that parents/carers are not permitted onsite, we will need to cancel the Student Led Conferences scheduled to run in week 10 of this term. We will be exploring our options as updated settings become available – stay tuned for more information.
Finally, thank you again for the ongoing support and efforts. Please let us know if we can support in any way.
Take care and kind regards,
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
Dear Families,
Happy Friday and I hope you have had a great week!
Firstly, my gratitude goes to all for the manner in which you are managing the current settings. I acknowledge that each of us are navigating our way through these times with different circumstances and experiences. We are incredibly thankful and appreciative of the support and compassion you are providing your children. Please be assured that our school and staff are here to assist and help in any way we can. I thank the many families who continue to express their appreciation of our staff, as well as the families who reach out to us with feedback to consider. Please know that this feedback reassures our staff and provides them with great confidence in the work they are doing to support our students.
Week 8 Remote and Flexible Learning Program
Our Remote and Flexible Learning program for next week will be available on our website by 5.00pm this afternoon.
Teachers will upload the program to their Seesaw or Google Classroom platform from 8.00am on Monday.
Hard Copy packs are available from the school Staff Room from 8.00am on Monday.
Onsite Supervision
The onsite attendance form for next week is available.
Please note you will need to complete and sign the official “Onsite Attendance” form upon your child’s first day onsite. You can do this by either of the following 3 options:
1. Clicking on the link below, printing and complete
2. Download from our Website
3. When dropping your child/ren in for their first day onsite, complete the form available at the office
4. Email Onsite Attendance form to the school’s email address:
Attn: Onsite Attendance form
Onsite students will meet in the stadium each day prior to going to their designated classrooms. Stadium doors will open at 8:20am each day.
Live Class Check In
Following feedback from our Remote and Flexible Program survey, we are introducing an additional ‘Live’ Webex session from Monday.
Details include:
· Via Webex, each class teacher opens their room at 11.30am – 11.45am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
· This is an ‘optional’ session for students (not compulsory)
· The focus of this session is for students to pose any questions, teachers to clarify anything and for students to connect with each other and their teacher
Teachers will inform their students of this opportunity via Seesaw/Google Classroom and via their 8.45am Community Circle.
Book Week
It was fabulous to see our students and staff in the spirit of Book Week. Below is a link to our special Book Week themed assembly:
Once again, thank you for your support and please contact us if we can assist in any way.
Phone: 5261 2360
Take care,
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
Dear Families,
As you will be aware, it has been confirmed that Regional Victoria will enter another lockdown period.
All schools in Regional Victoria will once again return to a Remote and Flexible Learning program.
The Department of Education has advised schools that Monday, 23rd August is a day for preparation of teaching and learning. Therefore, we will commence our Remote and Flexible Learning program on Tuesday (24th August).
Students at this point in time will return to school on Friday, 3rd September.
Thank you for your continued support as we navigate another lock down and round of Remote and Flexible Learning.
Below are some reminders and updates on our operations and programs for tomorrow and next week.
Remote and Flexible Learning program
Families can access the suggested Remote and Flexible Learning program from 5pm on Monday, 23rd August via our School Website.
Classroom Teachers will post the program on Seesaw (Foundation – Yr 3) or Google Classroom (Yr 4 – Yr 6) from 8.30am on Tuesday, 24th August.
Please note the following regarding our Remote and Flexible Learning program:
· Your child will have brought home a ‘Remote and Flexible Learning’ workbook/pack, their pencil case and some reading material.
· Inside the Remote and Flexible Learning workbook is instructions for logging onto Webex. Webex is the platform we use to connect our students with their teacher/s virtually.
· Families of students who were absent from school on Friday (20th August) can collect their child’s equipment listed above by coming to the school’s main office from 12 noon Monday 23rd August.
· Learning will be delivered via Seesaw for Foundation to Year 3, and Google Classroom for Year 4 to Year 6.
Hard Copy Pack
Families who wish to access a ‘Hard Copy’ pack can collect from the school Staff Room from 8.00am Tuesday 24th August.
For families who have children in Foundation, Yr 1, Yr 2 or Yr 3 who require a device, please click on the link below and complete the form (please wait until the school contacts you before coming to collect your device).
Onsite program
Our school will provide on-site supervision for students from in the following categories, commencing Monday 23rd August:
· whose parents are considered ‘authorised workers’ and cannot work from home and where no other supervision arrangements can be made (‘authorised workers’ are required to present their permit once issued)
· vulnerable children, including children in out-of-home care, children deemed by Child Protection and/or Family Services to be at risk of harm and children identified by the school as vulnerable
Please note you will need to complete and sign the official “Onsite Attendance” form upon your child’s first day onsite. You can do this by either of the following 3 options:
1. Clicking on the link below, printing and complete
2. Download from our Website
3. When dropping your child/ren in for their first day onsite, complete the form available at the office
4. Email Onsite Attendance form to the school’s email address:
Attn: Onsite Attendance form
Onsite students will meet in the stadium each day prior to going to their designated classrooms. Stadium doors will open at 8:20am each day.
Teacher - Student Connection
From Tuesday, your child will have the opportunity to connect with their teacher and classmates through a Webex Class Community Circle each morning at 8.45am, followed by a ‘live lesson’ via Webex. Instructions on how to connect via Webex is pasted into each student’s Remote and Flexible Learning workbook.
Please note: The ‘Community Circle’ and ‘Live Lesson’ will not take place tomorrow to allow our teachers time to plan the program for next week.
Before and After School Care
Our Before and After School Care program will continue to operate as per normal for the following students from Monday, 23rd August:
· Students who are registered and booked into Before and/or After School Care
· Children whose parents are considered ‘authorised workers’ and cannot work from home and where no other supervision arrangements can be made
· Vulnerable children, including children in out-of-home care, children deemed by Child Protection and/or Family Services to be at risk of harm and children identified by the school as vulnerable
Face Masks
· A reminder to parents and carers that it is mandated to wear a Face Mask (unless a lawful exemption applies) and checking in via the QR Code if visiting Torquay College.
· It has been recommended, but not compulsory, for primary school students to wear a face mask.
Once again, thank you for your support and please contact us if we can assist in any way.
Phone: 5261 2360
Take care,
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
Dear Families,
As you will be aware, it has now been confirmed that Victoria will undertake a 7 day lockdown effective from 8.00pm Thursday, 5th August until Thursday, 12th August (inclusive).
All schools in Victoria will once again return to a Remote and Flexible Learning program.
Students at this point in time will return to school on Friday, 13th August.
Thank you for your continued support as we navigate another lock down and round of Remote and Flexible Learning.
Below are some reminders and updates on our operations and programs for tomorrow and next week.
Remote and Flexible Learning program
Families can access the suggested Remote and Flexible Learning program from tomorrow (Friday, 6th August) via our School Website and Seesaw (Foundation – Yr 3) or Google Classroom (Yr 4 – Yr 6) from 8.30am.
Please note the following regarding our Remote and Flexible Learning program:
· Your child will have brought home a ‘Remote and Flexible Learning’ workbook/pack, their pencil case and some reading material.
· Inside the Remote and Flexible Learning workbook is instructions for logging onto Webex. Webex is the platform we use to connect our students with their teacher/s virtually.
· Families of students who were absent from school today (Thursday, 5th August) can collect their child’s equipment listed above by coming to the school’s main office from 8:00am tomorrow.
· Learning will be delivered via Seesaw for Foundation to Year 3, and Google Classroom for Year 4 to Year 6.
Hard Copy Pack
Families who wish to access a ‘Hard Copy’ pack can collect from the school Staff Room from 8.00am.
For families who have children in Foundation, Yr 1, Yr 2 or Yr 3 who require a device, please click on the link below and complete the form (please wait until a staff member calls you before coming to collect your device).
Onsite program
Our school will provide on-site supervision for students in the following categories:
· whose parents are considered permitted workers and cannot work from home and where no other supervision arrangements can be made
· Vulnerable children, including children in out-of-home care, children deemed by Child Protection and/or Family Services to be at risk of harm and children identified by the school as vulnerable.
Please note you will need to complete and sign the official “Onsite Attendance” form upon your child’s first day onsite. You can do this by either of the following 3 options:
1. Clicking on the link below, printing and complete
2. Download from our Website
3. When dropping your child/ren in for their first day onsite, complete the form available at the office
4. Email Onsite Attendance form to the school’s email address:
Attn: Onsite Attendance form
Onsite students will meet in the stadium each day prior to going to their designated classrooms.
Teacher - Student Connection
From Monday, your child will have the opportunity to connect with their teacher and classmates through a Webex Class Community Circle each morning at 8.45am, followed by a ‘live lesson’ via Webex. Instructions on how to connect via Webex is pasted into each student’s Remote and Flexible Learning workbook.
Please note: The ‘Community Circle’ and ‘Live Lesson’ will not take place tomorrow to allow our teachers time to plan the program for next week.
Before and After School Care
Our Before and After School Care program will continue to operate as per normal for the following students from Friday, 6th August:
· Students who are registered and booked into Before and/or After School Care
· Children whose parents are considered permitted workers and cannot work from home and where no other supervision arrangements can be made
· Vulnerable children, including children in out-of-home care, children deemed by Child Protection and/or Family Services to be at risk of harm and children identified by the school as vulnerable
Mandatory Wearing of Face Masks
A reminder to parents and carers that it is mandated to wear a Face Mask (unless a lawful exemption applies) and checking in via the QR Code if visiting Torquay College.
Once again, thank you for your support and please contact us if we can assist in any way.
Phone: 5261 2360
Take care,
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
Dear Families,
Our Remote and Flexible Learning programs are in full swing and we are seeing wonderful work from our students on the digital platforms Seesaw and Google Classroom. Thank you to all families, staff and students for your efforts throughout this week.
The positive response to the Parent-Teacher Discussions have been encouraging and a great opportunity to share student learning growth and future learning needs.
Our Webex Class Community Circles and Live Lessons started this week and have been a great opportunity for students to stay connected with their class friends and teacher. These sessions will continue each morning at 8.45am on Monday and Tuesday. Recorded lessons will begin to be rolled out as another additional feature next week to support students in their learning.
Onsite Students
A reminder to the families who have children attending our onsite program to please ensure that they come to school with their Remote and Flexible Learning workbook. This workbook has all their login details that enable them to fully engage in the program offered.
Hard Copy Packs
Hard copy packs for Monday and Tuesday’s program are available the School Staff Room from 8.30am on Monday, 26th July.
Kids Keeping Active while Learning from Home
To help support your children to stay active while learning from home, families can access a range of free COVIDSafe ideas to stay active and games through Get Active Victoria.
Once again, congratulations on another week of home learning.
Kind Regards,
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
Dear Torquay College Families,
We are now in our fourth day of Remote and Flexible Learning and want to thank our school community for their wonderful support. We are thrilled with how well our students have engaged in their learning on both Seesaw and Webex. Our live lessons, starting today, are a new feature and we are excited to interact with our students in this way.
This program outlines the learning for Thursday and Friday. The software program Seesaw is being used from Foundation - Year 3. The software program - Google Classroom - is being used by Years 4-6. These two platforms have proven to be easily accessible and engaging for our students’ learning and communication.
The Webex communication software is being used by teachers to communicate with students and families via morning Community Circles and lessons Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Families who require a hard copy pack of this teaching and learning program, can collect from the school administration from 8.00am Thursday morning.
We acknowledge this situation may present some great opportunities for some families whilst being a challenging time for others. Torquay College will be working with families to ensure we are meeting the needs of our students. As always, our priority is our students’ and their family’s wellbeing and we ask that if you have any concerns or questions, please stay connected and contact the school.
Thank you for your continued support.
Principal Team
Dear Torquay College Families,
I have now received official notification from the Department of Education and Training (DET) that the state of Victoria will continue its lock down until 11.59pm Tuesday, 27th July.
All schools in Victoria will continue with a Remote and Flexible Learning program.
Students at this point in time will return to onsite learning at school on Wednesday, 28th July.
Remote and Flexible Learning Program
As usual, the Remote and Flexible Learning program will be provided for all students via the school’s website and Seesaw (Foundation to Yr 3) and Google Classroom (Yr 4 to Yr 6).
Wednesday, 21st July
Our students will engage in a Specialist program tomorrow. This will include a PE, Indonesian, Visual Arts and Performing Arts lesson.
This will be available at 8.30am tomorrow (Wednesday, 21st July) from the school’s website and Seesaw (Foundation to Yr 3) and Google Classroom (Yr 4 to Yr 6).
Thursday, 22nd July through til Tuesday, 27th July
Our Remote and Flexible Learning Program will include the following:
8.30am: A digital ‘check in’ via Seasaw or Google Classroom – students are invited to respond to a prompt from their teacher
8.45am: A virtual class Community Circle via Webex – students are invited to join their teacher and classmates to unpack the days activities and tasks
9.00am: A ‘live’ lesson via Webex – this will follow the class Community Circle, where students will join their teacher for a lesson
Three other lessons to be completed for the day
Hard Copy Packs
Hard copy packs for Wednesday’s program will be available at 8.00am tomorrow, Wednesday 21st July. Hard copy packs for Thursday and Friday will be available at 8:00am, Thursday 22nd July.
The Remote Learning program and hard copy packs for Week 3 will be available at 8:00am Monday 26th July. These can be collected from the school staff room.
Onsite Supervision
Our school will provide on-site supervision for students in the following categories:
whose parents are considered permitted workers and cannot work from home and where no other supervision arrangements can be made
vulnerable children, including children in out-of-home care, children deemed by Child Protection and/or Family Services to be at risk of harm and children identified by the school as vulnerable.
Please note: you will need to complete and sign the official “Onsite Attendance” form upon your child’s first day onsite. You can do this by either of the following 3 options:
1. Clicking on the link below, printing and complete
2. Download from our Website
3. When dropping your child/ren in for their first day onsite, complete the form available at office
4. Email Onsite Attendance form to the school’s email address:
Attn: Onsite Attendance form
Onsite students will meet in the stadium each day prior to going to their designated classrooms.
Outside Hours School Care
Before and After School Care will be available to students who are registered with OHSC in the vulnerable category and students whose families are classified as essential workers
Mandatory Wearing of Masks
A reminder to parents and carers that it is mandated to wear a Mask if visiting Torquay College.
Once again, thank you for your support and please contact us if we can assist in any way.
Stay safe and kind regards,
Christian Smith
Acting Principal
Suggestions to ensure a successful home learning environment:
establishing and following a daily routine
defining a space for your child to work in
monitoring communications from teachers and others
taking an active role in helping your children process their learning
encouraging physical activity and/or exercise
checking in with your child regularly to help them manage stress
monitoring how much time your child is spending online
keeping your children social, but set rules around their social media interactions
​Try to create a quiet and comfortable learning space. Your child may have a regular place for doing homework under normal circumstances, but this space may not be suitable for working in for an extended period of time.
A space/location for extended learning should be a public/family space, not in a bedroom where possible. It should be a place that can be quiet at times.
Above all, ensure you or another adult is present and monitoring your children's learning.